Rice Crop Nutrition

rice plant illustration with nutrients

Yara is not only a major fertilizer provider to growers throughout the world, but it also has over 100 years of experience and knowledge in crop nutrition.

Yara provides practical solutions in rice production targeting nutrient and water use efficiency, and greenhouse gas reductions while enhancing yield. Yara's strategy and efforts involve connecting the food chain and combining products, digital tools, and knowledge to deliver solutions for overcoming challenges while protecting the environment and valuable resources that are critical for sustainable agriculture.


Benefits of the Yara Rice Program

  • Provides complete and balanced nutrients required for high productivity in rice
  • Produce more tillers thus higher yields
  • Better grain quality resulting in less breakage during milling
  • Provides micronutrients that are critical for rice production
  • Less acidifying solution thus promoting soil health
  • Promotes uniform maturity and less lodging

Critical Nutrition for Rice Crops

Nitrogen and Sulfur

N and S are essential for plant structural and functional protein development. S deficiency will limit crop growth and yield.

Learn more about YaraVera® AMIDAS™ Nitrogen and Sulfur

rice plant illustration N and S with header.png


Micronutrients, while required in smaller quantities, are just as essential as macronutrients to rice crops.

Learn more about YaraVita® PROCOTE™ Micronutrient Coatings

procote better nutrient access

Does your rice have a nutrient deficiency?

Identify and diagnose nutrient deficiencies in your rice and learn how to control or correct the deficiency. Start by selecting a nutrient below.

Contact Yara regarding rice crop nutrition

Brett Dixon
Brett Dixon
Senior Sales Agronomist

Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi & Tennessee

Dan Clarke
Dan Clarke
Regional Sales Manager

Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesotta, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana

Neil Mayberry
Neil Mayberry
Regional Market Development Manager
tim barrett
Tim Barrett
Senior YaraVita Specialist

North Central Valley, California


Arkansas Delta Incubator Farm

Yara has established a Rice Incubator Farm in the Arkansas Delta to explore solutions in rice production targeting nutrient and water use efficiency and greenhouse gas reductions while enhancing yield.

Learn more