Citrus Crop Nutrition

citrus plant illustration

Yara is not only a major fertilizer provider to growers throughout the world, but it also has years of experience and knowledge in crop nutrition. 

CompleteCitrus crop solution represents Yara's commitment to providing citrus growers with the best available information and tools to manage their production optimally, with minimum environmental impact, consistently from one year to the next. Tree health is recognized as a major element in sustainable production. Balanced nutrition is also fundamental in establishing and maintaining optimal performance and tree longevity that together support increased production.

Calcium Nitrate for Citrus

Calcium nitrate helps enhance citrus root and upper structure growth as well as overall tree health. It helps maintain soil pH and increases resistance to environmental factors. Incorporated into a good nutrient management program, YaraLiva Calcium Nitrate can help provide a foundation to support a productive and reliable future.

Learn more

Yara's Podcast

HLB or not, balanced nutrition is the key to tree health

Update on Citrus Greening


Yara has been actively involved in the citrus greening issue in Florida, working with researchers to help find a way to mitigate or reduce the severity of the disease. We are sharing this knowledge to help California citrus farmers learn from this experience and hopefully avoid the devastating impact Florida farmers endured.

California Citrus Farmers: Prepare your Groves for Citrus Greening

Role of nutrients in citrus

Click to read about the role of nutrient in citrus production.


Citrus Crop Nutrition Program

Elaborated by our specialists, Yara's crop nutrition program for citrus can help you achieve excellent crop performance.

See citrus crop nutrition program